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168 Days: Stop The Clock!

By Ken Snyder

Now that things are looking up for us in the employment situation I felt it was time to take a second look at just how much BPU's lies and cowardice and DOL's incomptence cost us financially.

As I have listed on previous pages, on 9 October 2017 I started a position for a contractor with the Department of Energy. Honeywell FM&T (Federal Manufacturing and Technologies) operates the National Security Campus in Kansas City, many know it as the "Bendix Plant." Approximately 85% of the non-nuclear components of our nation's nuclear weapons are built and assembled there, and in 2013 they moved to an all-new facility just north of the former Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base.

While I am not at liberty to discuss specifics relating to what I do, my background in aircraft electronics and my computer information systems degree are a great fit for this position, but my military experience (and security clearance) factored heavily in my supervisor's decision to hire me. Unlike BPU, FM&T truly values currently-serving service members -- they do not have a restriction on how many days' worth of military duty they will make up the wage difference for per year; and most importantly, they do not terminate employees based on their military duty obligations. As I also said elsewhere, this officially ends the over-seven-and-a-quarter-year nightmare of unemployment and under-employment. We can resume the process of house renovation, rebuilding vehicles, and maybe one day take a vacation -- something we haven't been able to take the time for in well over a decade.

So to put an end to one portion of this ongoing story I decided to put a calculation in place that would serve as a benchmark for my loss -- more importantly my family's loss in this matter. In the pop-up window I mention Dr. Gary Baker's paper that we had prepared during our lawsuit process, I used the calculations he made to craft the program that posted the loss amount shown at the top of every page. The adjusted program calculated the loss at $561,377.22 -- it can't be verified as 100% accurate, but it's safe to say that the amount would not be far from it. This is going to be used to emphasize just how important it is for the Department of Labor to do far better investigations for future victims of USERRA violations. We were able to be resilient in the face of this adversity, but that doesn't guarantee the next USERRA victim will be. This failure of the Department of Labor to adequately do their job needs to be addressed, and I won't stop until it is.

Next: Lessons Learned?
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The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.